Lima: City of Kings...or...CATS!
Every darn tootin´ place I´ve been to on this backpacking trip thus far has been overrun by four-legged creatures with wagging tails, nasty breath and endless yapping. In fact, in Quito, every home seemed to have its very own guard dog who lived on the rooftop 24/7 and would bark incessantly whenever the wind blew (which meant they practically never stopped yapping thus negating the need for alarm clocks or roosters). But in Lima?!? I was delightfully surprised to encounter MUCHO GATOS!! Meow Mix indeed. First of all we had Janis, the Siamese cat, in temporary residence at Pucllana Lodge whom I mentioned in my previous blog entry. But on Monday (Nov 28) I happened to be walking in Parque Kennedy in the Miraflores District when I spied a congregation of homeless cats being fed beside the church there. I actually did a double-take as I walked past for my eyes could not believe what they were seeing! There were at least 30 cats blanketing the lane and their meowing was music to m...